Renata Ávila is CEO of the Open Knowledge Foundation and a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and Technology. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum and more recently, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2006, she works with the Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners – Lee in an effort to uphold human rights in the digital age. She serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons. She is also a member of Courage Foundation advisory board, assisting whistleblowers at risk and in the D-Cent board, exploring the potential of decentralised technologies. She is currently an Advisor of the BITS initiative by the Municipality of Barcelona. Since 2018 she has been the Executive Director of the Intelligent Citizenship Foundation, based in Chile and Brazil.