Collaborations & Memberships

In the joint workshop with Transparency Germany

Stronger together: To improve the legal protection and the social standing of whistleblowers in Germany, we network both nationally and internationally. Sometimes our aim is cooperation in distinct specific topics, but we mainly focus on regular exchange and mutual support.




Allianz „Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung“

To the website

Corporate Accountability – Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung (CorA-Netz)

To the website


To the website

Dachverband der kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre

To the website

Deutscher Journalisten-Verband

To the website

Deutscher Journalisten-Verband Berlin – Journalistenverband Berlin-Brandenburg

To the website

Digitale Gesellschaft

To the website


To the website

Humanistische Union

To the website

Initiative für ein Berliner Transparenzgesetz

To the website

International Whistleblowing Research Network (IWRN)

To the website

Middlesex University UK Whistleblowing Award (Jury Membership)

To the website

Open Government Partnership Deutschland

To the website

Transparency International Deutschland

To the website

UNCAC Coalition

To the website

UN-Global Compact and UN-Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland

To UN-Global Compact
To UN-Globacl Compact Netzwerk Deutschland

Whistleblowing International Network – WIN

To the website

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